The Vegan Apron

The Vegan Apron
Burninatin' Your Tastebuds

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Challenge 2 now closed: Blueberries wins!

Thanks to everyone who voted! Challenge two is now closed and blueberries were the clear winner. Apparently you guys are nuts over those little anti-oxidant rich orbs of delight.

We're going to make you a scrumptious dessert with blueberries which should go up tomorrow. Until then, you can prick your brains with some uber-facts about blueberries from World's Healthiest Foods.

"With flavors that range from mildly sweet to tart and tangy, blueberries are nutritional stars bursting with nutrition and flavor while being very low in calories..."

1 comment:

zenith said...

Hey I'm hungry for blueberries! Where da podcast at?!?